Simon Maisch is an audio engineer working in production, recording, mastering, system design and installation.
Originating from Hobart, Tasmania and relocating to Melbourne in 2012, he completed an Ad. Dip of Sound Production at RMIT University and has been involved within a vast range of projects and events since, including Dark Mofo & Mona Foma; Melbourne Festival; Melbourne Fringe Festival; Melbourne Music Week; Festival of Live Art; various art installation and research projects; studio infrastructure projects, design and installation; and the recording, production and mastering of music.
He currently works through Lily Street Studios in Coburg North and RMIT Culture as Technical Production Coordinator, and was previously the Technical Operations Advisor (sound) within the School of Design, RMIT University. He performs music with Bitumen and under the pseudonym The Werm.
Homepage photo by Thomas Wilkinson.
Research Contributions
Co-author: Sipei Zhao – Research article “Configuring fixed-coefficient active control systems for traffic noise reduction”. Presented in ‘Building and Environment Volume 147’, February 2019.
Co-author: Sipei Zhao – Conference paper “A Method of Configuring Fixed Coefficient Active Noise Controllers for Traffic Noise Reduction”. Presented at ‘Inter-Noise 2017’, in Hong Kong, China.
Co-author: Dr. Jordan Lacey – Conference paper “Soundscape Design of Motorway Parkland Environments – Transformation, Cancellation, and Ethnography”. Presented at ‘Invisible Places 2017’, Sao Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal.
Speakercraft Terrazza SC-TERR-4.1-HS Review – Connected Magazine, March 7th, 2022
TDG Audio NFC-81 8″ Non-Flange In-Ceiling Speaker – Connected Magazine, March 29th, 2022